Quarterback finally set off 2 days later on 21st November.

Turns out one reason for ‘le délai’ was a garage full of inventory to be loaded onto a Mahe 37 destined for the Antilles. We’d been hearing about this mysterious garage since we arrived, all talk increasingly accompanied by pensive silence and a look of despair. Remember, we’re supposed to leave in a day so we’re still imagining a few remaining boxes, bits and bobs.

Mr SlowTourist, ever the ex-Grenadier,  commanded all for a 0900 start the next day. Meeting point: the garage. Our Audi Q5 seats down, ready to be loaded.

The garage was crammed full!  Understandably really, there’s only so much you can fit into an Peugeot 108. After a whole day of multiple runs transporting and loading heavy boxes, bales of rope, refrigerators, outboard engines, batteries etc, and lugging the stuff from car park down to the boat, the garage was almost empty. And yayy- the spinnaker finally arrived!

For dinner it had to be – what else – a rewarding Bifstek. We were sent to Baitona, a simple Basque influenced restaurant on Rue Saint-Jean du Pérot, relaxed atmosphere and really excellent food. And not just any steak. THE BEST Cote de Boeuf in La Rochelle! Possibly best ever. And those bronze pommes frites you see?  Fried in duck fat.

A truly bon appetit after a successful day.